Protect your clients and patients

Why healthy air is so important

Protect vulnerable people
Anyone can become infected with Covid-19! However, the effects vary per person. The most susceptible to the virus are often those with underlying health issues. These people also visit medical institutions such as general practitioners, hospitals, and physiotherapy practices.
Therefore, it is extra important in these places to allow patients and employees to visit you safely. With a UVC air purifier, you improve the air quality and thus the health of your visitors. Because the air in your practice room or waiting room is constantly filtered and cleaned by the available UVC air purifiers, you reduce the chance of spreading.

Minimalise the risk of an outbreak
Your business is classified as essential. Completely understandable, of course. So people can continue to visit your practice. However, what you do want to prevent is that people start infecting each other and that your practice becomes a virus hotbed.
That is why it is good to offer your colleagues and your patients extra protection against the spread of viruses and bacteria. Also, because often vulnerable people come to visit.
Did you know that UVC has been used in hospitals for decades?
And are you curious about how UVC is applied to ViroPower?
Read more
No expensive adjustments to the infrastructure
Good ventilation and a healthy indoor climate are major challenges in almost every location. If you also have a lot of relatively small spaces that sometimes want to change their function, flexibility is essential.
For this purpose, the ViroPower is equipped with wheels, making it easy to move around. In any case, a UVC air purifier is an ideal and affordable solution for every building because it does not require expensive major interventions for the existing infrastructure.
And because sustainability and technical convenience have been considered from step one in the development process, the air purifier will last for years without many maintenance costs.
Installation is ready in 5 minutes. The changing of a dust filter or a HEPA filter can be done by anyone. The only thing which requires any technical knowledge is changing the UV-C lamps, but you have to do that only once per 9.000 (!) hours.

Increase the safety of areas where people meet
It is not random that medical professions have been classified as essential. It is crucial that patients can be seen and heard and that it is only possible through a physical assessment. However, you want to do this meeting in a safe environment.
The main goal of the ViroPower is to bring people together again safely. The UVC light is housed in a securely closed cabin and destroys all particles in the air that passes through the device, up to 300 m³ per hour.
Want to know why other companies choose ViroPower?
We do this for our employees. They deserve the best and safest conditions to work together.

We can bring the ViroPower in any space where it's needed, thanks to the device's the wheels.

Prevention is better than cure. We keep our people healthy with clean air

As a professional football club, we have to lead by example, but we are also in a unique position that we can still participate in matches, despite not having our fans. Seeing the responsibly and trust that the government has in us, we want to go the extra mile in the fight against Covid-19.

The choice ultimately fell on the ViroPower, which we use in various meeting rooms throughout our office.

Scientific research and certification
Ready to turn your practice into a safer environment?
We are happy to think along with you for a suitable solution.
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